– Are you a full-time voice artist? Yes, apart from teaching phonetics and diction, and have been such for over the past 20 years.
– Do you have a professional home studio? Let me rephrase it: I have a studio, not a home studio. I deliver professional audio worldwide, and a “home studio” would definitely not do the trick
– What are your studio specs? Two inch fiberglass absorption all around, double glazing and thick pile carpeting, Sennheiser, Lexicon, Audio Techina… and myself.
– What is your availability Monday to Sunday? Used to working with clients from overseas I tend to be “available friendly ” adapting to different time zones to provide the best service possible, many a time patched in via Skype or Source Connect.
– Have you narrated complex documents such as scientific, medical, legal, mathematical etc.? Oh yes, and do not find them complex, if I may say so. Due to confidentiality agreements I cannot share such material demos with you but you can always give me a tinkle and try me out.
– Do you do in-house editing? As said before, I am a professional, and I do in-studio editing (as I also edit videos)
– Are you bilingual? Yes and no, as I am actually pentalingual
– Can you confirm that you are okay completing all necessary corrections for the bid you provide? That depends on what you consider corrections. If I make a mistake, anytime, my pleasure. If you keep on changing the script and/or change your mind on pace and delivery requirements after we have worked out how the text should be read that is a different kettle of fish. Let’s be logical about, shall we? Personally I found your mention of “missing words” absolutely hilarious, how cold a voice pro leave out words, for crying out loud!
Buenos Aires – Argentina
50% do valor original
30 dias da entrega
+55 1 1 9 6 0 8 8 – 8 6 8 1
+55 1 1 9 8 6 8 3 – 7 9 1 3
Para orçamentos por favor forneça: Veiculação, Tempo de Veiculação, Duração, Idioma, Prazo e Perfil de Voz.
Edição de Ponta
Todas as locuções são meticulosamente editadas no Izotope RX. Alta qualidade, pronto para usar.
Saliva e Respiração
Editamos a gravação cuidadosamente removendo sons de saliva e respirações.
Compressão e Equalização
A compressão consiste no controle dinâmico da locução. Receba o áudio uniforme e com melhor inteligibilidade. Equalizamos todas as locuções afim de garantir o perfeito equilibrio entre claridade e “corpo”.
Alta Definição
Diferentemente da maioria dos locutores que fornecem MP3, entregamos nosso áudio em alta definição (WAV ou AIFF 48Khz 24bits). Qualidade em primeiro lugar.
Efeitos Criativos
Precisa de um efeito especializado, pitch shift ou aceleração? Deixe com a gente.